Our devices – smartphones, tablets, laptops – are constant companions. They keep us connected, informed, and entertained. But what happens when this convenience tips into dependence? Technology addiction is a growing concern that affects people of all ages.  If you find yourself constantly checking your phone, neglecting sleep to binge-watch shows, or struggling to disconnect, you’re not alone. 

Here are some alarming statistics that showcase the depth to which technology addiction has taken over our lives.

Top technology addiction statistics

  • Research has found that over 35% of people have an internet addiction.
  • 31% of American adults say that they’re online “almost constantly.”
  • 85% of Americans go online daily.
  • Internet addiction has significantly increased during and since the pandemic.
  • Teens get an average of 8 hours per day of screen time.

How common is technology addiction?

Across the globe, we’re becoming increasingly dependent on our electronic devices and internet connection. Rates of all types of technology addictions are on the rise.

  • Over 50% of Americans believe they are addicted to their phones.
  • One study found that around 35% of the population has internet addiction.
  • Up to 60% of teens show signs of cell phone addiction.
  • At least 10% of American social media users are addicted to it.  
  • Over 60 million people across the globe struggle with video game addiction.
  • Between 7 and 10% of people who watch online porn are addicted to it.

Who is addicted to technology?

Overall, it’s our world’s young people who are facing technology addictions at the highest rates, although people of all ages are impacted. 

For example:

  • 80% of Gen Z check their phones within 5 minutes of receiving a notification.
  • Over half of teens say they spend too much time on their phones.
  • A majority of teens check their devices as soon as they wake up.
  • Around 40% of young adults aged 18 to 22 say they’re addicted to social media.
  • 16 to 29-year-olds are over twice as likely to be addicted to video games as older adults.

Males, especially teen and young adult males, are also more vulnerable to many types of technology addiction. For example, in one study, almost 50% of male participants were found to be addicted to their phones compared with around 35% of female participants. Young men are also the group most vulnerable to online porn addiction and video game addiction.

The effects of technology addiction

Technology can bring a lot of benefits to our lives, but when it becomes an addiction, it can be incredibly harmful to health and well-being – just like any other addiction. Research has found that technology addiction can cause serious consequences for mental and physical health, including muscle pain, sleep disturbances, and a higher risk for mental health issues.

  • People with internet addiction are 2.2 times more likely to have sleep problems than people who don’t.
  • 68% of young adults with smartphone addiction sleep poorly, compared to 57% of people without addiction.
  • Around 30% of those with phone addiction live an unhealthy lifestyle, with more fast food and less exercise.
  • Over 1 in 3 people report that they’ve experienced daytime sleepiness due to late-night phone use.  
  • Over 30% of people with smartphone addiction also experience symptoms of depression.
  • Teens who spend over 4 hours on their phones daily are significantly more likely to have suicidal thoughts.
  • 1 in 3 people say that social media has an overall negative effect on their mental health.
  • Instagram and other image-based social media platforms are significantly linked with body dysmorphia.
  • People who use social media excessively as teens are more likely to be suicidal as adults.
  • People who watched online porn in the past 24 hours are almost twice as likely to report feeling lonely as people who do not watch porn.
  • All forms of technology addictions (including social media, smartphone, and online porn addiction) are linked with higher rates of depression and anxiety.

To better understand your own technology use and assess potential addiction risks, consider taking this comprehensive Technology Addiction Test.


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