Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Addictions

Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Addictions

Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Addictions

When we think of addiction, we likely imagine drugs or alcohol, but thereโ€™s more to it than that. In todayโ€™s modern world, addiction has expanded beyond substances.  Behavioral addictions, sometimes referred to as process addictions, can look very similar to a drug or alcohol addiction. These addictions occur when we become addicted to a certain behavior. This could include playing video games, browsing social media, or watching porn. We can also become addicted to things like gambling, internet shopping, or smartphones. 

Signs and Symptoms of Behavioral Addictions

This guide will shed light on the subject of behavioral addiction. Weโ€™ll cover technology addiction, phone addiction, social media addiction, porn addiction, and video game addiction in particular. Our goal is to create an understanding of the signs of these addictions. By understanding the telltale signs and symptoms, we can take proactive steps towards fostering a healthier relationship with our behaviors. 

The Underlying Problem

Before we break down the specifics of each addiction, it’s crucial to understand what constitutes a behavioral addiction. Behavioral addiction is a compulsion to engage in a rewarding behavior, sometimes called a natural reward. When we become addicted, we will repeat the behavior despite negative consequences to our physical, mental, social, or financial well-being. 

Common processes that fall into this category include gambling, shopping, sex, internet use, and viewing of internet pornography. Engaging in computer/video games and the overuse of smartphones can also lead us toward behavioral addiction.

These behaviors provide us with ‘instant gratification.โ€™ This means they activate the brainโ€™s reward system, releasing a brain chemical called dopamine. Dopamine creates pleasurable effects in the brain, and causes us to repeat a behavior. As long as we get that dopamine hit, weโ€™ll keep coming back for more.

Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol also activate the brainโ€™s reward pathway. So, in this way, behavioral addictions are quite similar to substance abuse. The problem with dopamine is that over time, we train our bodies to only release it when engaging in the addiction. Other activities become less rewarding, so we engage in the addictive behavior more and more. 

Technology Addiction and its Impact

We can experience technology addiction in a variety of ways. This addiction could involve smartphones, tablets, or computers. All of these items are integrated into our daily lives, and they may even be difficult to avoid.

Itโ€™s important to understand that not all of us have a problem with these devices. Technology addiction becomes a problem for those of us who have a compulsive need to use technology excessively.  Once technology becomes an addiction, it harms areas of life including relationships, academics, or work. 

Below, weโ€™ll discuss the symptoms of technology addiction in more detail. 

Symptoms of Technology Addiction

  • FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): When addicted to technology, we might constantly check our devices for updates and new content. Our fear is that we will miss out on something important. When not connected to technology, we may feel anxious, irritable, or depressed. 
  • Neglect of Personal Hygiene: Prioritizing screen time over self-care can often be a red flag. In some cases, people may even neglect their health due to technology addiction. 
  • Lying About Technology Use: Hiding the extent of use or lying about our online activities can point to a deeper issue. When weโ€™re addicted, we might know our use is excessive, but we still canโ€™t stop. So, we lie to prevent others from picking up on the severity of the issue. 

Technology addiction often goes hand-in-hand with other behavioral addictions and can significantly interfere with daily functioning. If you’re constantly irritable when not using your device and itโ€™s negatively affecting your life, consider seeking support. A professional or a structured support group can help you manage your relationship with technology. 

Phone Addiction and Its Impact

Phone addiction is a sub-type of technology addiction that involves excessive smartphone use, to the point it causes negative consequences. For example, it may begin to negatively affect our mental health or social life. 

Once addicted to smartphones, we may compulsively check our phones for notifications. Weโ€™re also likely to spend a significant amount of time on social media and to feel distressed without our phones. 

Consider the signs of phone addiction below: 

Signs of Phone Addiction:

  • Excessive Use: Consistent, excessive use of the phone, often at the expense of spending time with friends or engaging in other activities.
  • Physical Side Effects: Symptoms such as ‘text neck’, eye strain, and disrupted sleep patterns can indicate an unhealthy reliance on one’s phone. When weโ€™re addicted, weโ€™ll continue with excessive phone use despite physical side effects. 
  • Relationship Strain: If our phone use leads to the neglect of personal relationships or causes significant tension, it may be time to evaluate our habits.

Unlike other addictions, a phone is a necessary and beneficial tool for most of us. The key with phone addictions is not to demonize the device but to recognize when itโ€™s used excessively. 

Social Media Addiction and Its Impact

Social media addiction is similar to phone addiction, but it involves a specific focus on social media. Those of us addicted to our phones may struggle with all aspects of phone use. This can include not only checking social media but also checking for messages and other notifications.

With social media addiction, the focus is on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. When an addiction develops, weโ€™ll compulsively use and check these platforms. We may compare ourselves to others and rely upon receiving likes and shares. Over time, we may experience mental health consequences,  including inadequacy, low self-esteem, and depression. 

Letโ€™s look at some common signs of social media addiction below. 

Signs of Social Media Addiction:

  • Compulsive Checking: Constantly refreshing feeds or profiles despite an absence of new content can point to compulsive checking. When weโ€™re addicted, we cannot help but check our platforms repeatedly. 
  • Preference for the Virtual World: Preferring or valuing interactions on social media over face-to-face connections or experiencing real-life activities.
  • Impact on Sleep: Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns due to late-night social media scrolling can be a telltale sign.

Some of us start and end our days with social media, and we cannot change this habit. If this sounds like you, you might be within the grips of social media addiction. 

Recognizing Porn Addiction and Its Impact

The ready availability of high-speed internet has unfortunately led to a rise in porn addiction. Those of us addicted to porn experience serious consequences in relationships and with our self-esteem. 

When we become addicted to porn, weโ€™re compelled to view pornographic content excessively. Over time, it interferes with our daily functioning and quality of life. 

Below are some key indicators of porn addiction. 

Recognizing Porn Addiction:

  • Loss of Control: Feeling unable to stop or control pornographic viewing, regardless of attempts to quit or cut back.
  • Impact on Real Life: Viewing pornography interferes with real-life relationships and activities.
  • Desensitization: Insensitivity to the emotions and needs of others, particularly a partner’s feelings, can develop. This means our sex lives will suffer, because weโ€™re so focused on porn we forget about our partnerโ€™s needs. 

The first step to addressing porn addiction is acknowledging it. Seeking help and support can lead to the development of healthy coping mechanisms and the fostering of positive, respectful relationships.

The Pull of Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction, or gaming disorder, was first recognized by the World Health Organization. It is characterized by the excessive and compulsive use of video games to the detriment of other aspects of life. For many of us, it starts as a hobby but can escalate into a dependency, leading to serious consequences.

Learn more about the signs of video game addiction below. 

Key Signs of Video Game Addiction:

  • Preoccupation with Gaming: Constantly thinking about gaming when you are not playing or planning when you can play next.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Psychological or emotional distress when gaming is taken away, like irritability, restlessness, or depressed mood.
  • Disrupted Social Life: Avoiding real-life commitments and social events to play video games can be a sign of addiction.

Acknowledging the issue, setting boundaries, and finding alternative activities can assist in the management of video game addiction. It is important that we consider both the content of the games and the amount of time spent playing. Excessive use and dependence on the game for happiness and entertainment points to addiction. 

What All Behavioral Addictions Have in Common

Above, weโ€™ve described key signs and symptoms specific to a variety of behavioral addictions. There can be some differences between different addictions, such as porn addiction and phone addiction. However, the different behavioral addictions have some general symptoms in common. 

These signs and symptoms are common to the various behavioral addictions:

  • Giving up other hobbies and activities because of the addiction.
  • Spending a significant amount of time engaged in the addiction.
  • Struggling to fulfill duties at work, home, or school due to the addictive behavior.
  • Being unable to cut back on the behavior, even when we desire to do so. 
  • Spending excessive amounts of time on the behavior.
  • Engaging in the behavior even when we know itโ€™s making our mental or physical health worse.
  • Experiencing an intense compulsion to engage in the behavior, which might be described as a craving. 
  • Experiencing problems in relationships because of the behavioral addiction.
  • Suffering withdrawal side effects like irritability and anxiety when unable to do the behavior. 
  • Showing a tolerance, so that more time must be spent engaging in the behavior to receive satisfaction. 

The bottom line is that excessive engagement in a behavior points toward addiction. This is especially true when the behavior continues despite negative consequences. 

Finding Balance

Addictions to behaviors may not involve substances, but they share the same core concept. They involve being unable to stop a habit that has taken over our lives. It is important to remember that these behaviors might provide temporary relief from life’s stressors. However, they can be masking deeper emotional or psychological issues. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of behavioral addictions is the first step towards regaining control and improving our overall well-being.

For friends, family, and concerned others, it’s vital to approach the subject with empathy and understanding. Encouraging open communication and providing support can make a world of difference for those battling behavioral addictions. Professional help, such as therapy or support groups, may be necessary for some individuals to overcome these challenges.

It is possible for us to seek a balanced and healthy relationship with technology use and other behaviors. It all starts with self-awareness, proactive checking, and knowing when to reach out for help. By understanding the nature of behavioral addictions and taking appropriate action, we can all move towards a more fulfilling life.

If you notice that tech addiction has a hold on your life, now is the time to take action. Consider setting limits for yourself, such as only playing games or checking social media two hours per day. Participate in other activities you enjoy, and make time for healthy habits like exercise. If youโ€™re still struggling, there is no shame in reaching out to a counselor for additional support. 

Online Addiction Counseling

Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. Start receiving support via phone, video, or live-chat. 

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Withdrawal Symptoms for Behavioral Addiction

Behavioral addictions can lead to a range of withdrawal symptoms when we try to cut back or cease the behavior. This is why itโ€™s so hard for us to stop. These symptoms, while not as physically intense as substance abuse withdrawals, can be equally challenging and may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to concentrate

Recognizing these symptoms for what they are โ€” your brain’s reaction to a perceived loss of something it has come to depend on โ€” is a significant step in managing them. 

Itโ€™s also helpful to understand that when we experience withdrawal symptoms, they are only temporary. Experiencing fleeting discomfort is worth the payoff: the rest of your life free from the grips of behavioral addiction. 

The Impact on Mental Health and Daily Functioning

When we fall victim to a behavioral addiction, it can take a significant toll on our daily functioning. We may have trouble being fully present at work or school. Our personal relationships can also suffer, as we pour all of our time and energy into the addictive behavior.  

The addictive behavior may bring temporary relief from stress, but over time, our mental health is likely to suffer. As relationships and other areas of life begin to deteriorate, we may begin to feel depressed or even hopeless. 

Withdrawal from behavioral addictions can also take a significant toll on our functioning. It is more than a mere annoyance; it can significantly impact our mental health and our ability to fulfill daily responsibilities. 

Anxiety and depression are common companions to withdrawal symptoms, and they can make tasks that were once routine seem insurmountable. You may find that you are constantly keyed up and on edge while withdrawing, or you may feel so down and fatigued that itโ€™s difficult to even complete simple tasks like getting dressed or going to the store. 

Case Studies and Real-Life Scenarios

Weโ€™ve described behavioral addictions in technical terms, but itโ€™s also helpful to have a real-life scenario. Case studies can help us to make sense of behavioral addictions, and they’re more relatable than a bunch of technical jargon. 

Consider this example: A young professional has begun a career in finance within the last two years. He previously had high goals for himself, but heโ€™s become so fixated on social media that he is losing his focus on work. Seeing unopened notifications on his phone creates intense anxiety for him, so he finds himself detached from important meetings, because heโ€™s constantly checking his phone. His performance is down this quarter, but he continues to obsessively check his phone during work hours. 

Consider another example: A college student is beginning to fail classes due to an addiction to online gaming. She is staying up late into the night playing games, so she is sleeping through her morning classes. She has multiple missing assignments in her classes, because she is gaming rather than doing homework. She knows her school performance is declining, but she canโ€™t cut back on gaming, because she feels so irritated any time she is away from her games for too long. 

Coping Strategies and Support Systems

The path to overcoming behavioral addictions is multifaceted. It often requires us to call upon a combination of self-determination, support systems, and professional help. Coping strategies may include:

  • Creating a withdrawal plan with achievable short-term goals
  • Seeking support from friends, family, or online communities
  • Distracting yourself with healthy activities like exercise or a meditation 
  • Journaling to track your progress and feelings
  • Reaching out to a counselor for professional support 

Support systems can involve both our informal relationships, such as those with friends and family, and structured group therapies designed to provide accountability and empathy.

Special Considerations for Students and Young Professionals

Youth and young professionals, often heavy users of technology and social media, are particularly susceptible to behavioral addictions. Those of us in these age groups may encounter unique environmental pressures, such as academic stress, job expectations, or social pressures. All of these things can make addiction issues worse. 

Academic Implications

Our grades and academic performance can suffer when weโ€™re withdrawing from a behavioral addiction. We can manage this by creating tech-free study zones and enlisting the help of peers or mentors to stay on track.

Professional Consequences

For those of us who are young professionals, addiction-related disruptions in work performance can have severe implications on our career. Building healthier work-life balance and seeking professional coaching or counseling can serve as protective measures.

Recovery and the Road to a Balanced Lifestyle

Recovery from behavioral addiction isn’t about eliminating all ‘problematic’ behaviors; it’s about achieving a balanced lifestyle in which these activities no longer dictate our emotional well-being and personal fulfillment. This holistic approach to recovery may involve:

  • Establishing and maintaining healthy routines
  • Engaging in regular exercise and outdoor activities
  • Exploring mindfulness and meditation practices
  • Setting and pursuing meaningful personal or professional goals
  • Spending time with friends engaged in activities that do not involve the addictive behavior 

The goal is to shift the focus from quick, artificial ‘rewards’ to the sustained satisfaction we derive from real-life experiences and achievements.

Building a Supportive Environment

Those of us recovering from behavioral addictions need a supportive environment that encourages and reinforces positive behavioral changes. This environment can be cultivated through:

  • Open communication with family and friends about our struggles and needs
  • Educating those around us on the nature of behavioral addictions
  • Eliminating triggers in our physical and digital spaces

Creating a supportive environment reduces the likelihood of relapse and ensures that we have a safety net when times get tough.

The Role of Professional Help in Addiction Recovery

Professional help, be it through therapy or support groups, is vital for many of us navigating the complexities of behavioral addiction. Therapists who specialize in addiction psychology can provide personalized insights and coping strategies that help us develop healthier behaviors and thought patterns.

When to Seek Professional Help

It’s essential to recognize when addiction has reached a point where professional intervention is necessary. A few signs that professional help may be needed include:

  • Inability to control the behavior despite negative consequences
  • Significant interference with work, school, or relationships
  • Repeated unsuccessful attempts to quit or cut back
  • Using the behavior to cope with other mental health issues like depression 

Seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a proactive step towards a healthier, more balanced life. 

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