Exploring 7+ Types of Behavioral Addictions

Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood part of human behavior. We frequently associate addiction with substances like drugs and alcohol, yet the world of addictive behavior extends far beyond chemical dependencies. In today’s digital and consumer-driven society, various behaviors can lead to unhealthy compulsions that mirror the characteristics of traditional addictions.

This comprehensive guide will shine a light on behavioral addictions. We’ll offer an essential understanding of what these entail, their prevalence, and steps for recognizing and managing them. We’ll specifically cover seven major categories of behavioral addictions, each with its own quirks and impacts on daily life. 

Understanding Behavioral Addictions

Behavioral Addiction

Before we dive into the specific types, it’s crucial to grasp the notion of behavioral addictions and their contrast with substance addictions. Behavioral addictions, also known as process or non-substance addictions, revolve around a particular behavior. With a behavioral addiction, we find ourselves repeating the behavior until it disrupts various aspects of our lives. This is similar to what we see with substance use disorders. 

The essential difference is the lack of a psychoactive substance like alcohol or an illegal drug. Instead, behavioral addictions involve the release of dopamine and endorphins from “natural highs” experienced during the compulsive behavior. This floods our brains with pleasure-inducing chemicals, creating a reward cycle that can be as difficult to break as opioid addiction. After all, who wouldn’t want to repeat a rewarding behavior?

Types of Behavioral Addictions

Below are seven prevalent behavioral addictions that can significantly affect us as human beings. We’ll dive into the specifics of each addiction type so you can understand it more fully. 

1. Technology Addiction

Defined by a compulsive need to be in constant interaction with digital technology, technology addiction can look several different ways. We might find ourselves addicted to social media or the need for constant internet presence. 

Signs of Technology Addiction (aka Internet Addiction):

  • Neglecting work, school, or other personal responsibilities due to time spent on technology.
  • Significant changes in mood when unable to access technology.
  • A preoccupation with online imagery and appearance.

Impact of Technology Addiction:

  • Decline in personal relationships and social development.
  • Reduced attention span and cognitive function.

Managing Technology Addiction:

  • Establishing technology-free zones or times.
  • Setting boundaries on technology use and sticking to them.

2. Phone Addiction (aka Smartphone Addiction)

A subset of technology addiction, phone addiction, or ‘nomophobia,’ is the fear of being without a mobile phone. It can lead to us constantly checking our phones, while struggling to engage with others face-to-face. We might also call this a smartphone addiction, since most people use smartphones today. 

Signs of Phone Addiction:

  • Feeling anxious or restless when separated from your phone.
  • Checking for notifications or messages obsessively, even at inappropriate times.
  • Using your phone to avoid face-to-face interactions.

Impact of Phone Addiction:

  • Sleep disturbances related to checking the phone at night.
  • Social isolation and decreased communication with people in physical proximity.

Managing Phone Addiction:

  • Practicing mindfulness to resist the urge to compulsively check the phone.
  • Utilizing phone applications that track and limit usage.

3. Porn Addiction

When we use porn compulsively, it can become an addiction. Porn addiction can interfere with our daily lives and our relationships with intimate partners. 

Signs of Porn Addiction:

  • Spending significant time viewing pornography, often leading to procrastination or the neglect of duties.
  • Diminished interest in real-life, intimate relationships.
  • Continually seeking out more extreme forms of pornography.

Impact of Porn Addiction:

  • Negative impact on self-esteem.
  • Strained relationships, particularly those involving intimacy.

Managing Porn Addiction:

  • Professional therapy to address underlying issues and behaviors.
  • Practicing healthy sexual behaviors and engaging in fulfilling hobbies.

4. Food Addiction

This addiction is characterized by the compulsive consumption of large amounts of food and a lack of control around eating. This is similar to the patterns we would see in binge eating disorder.

Signs of Food Addiction:

  • Experiencing a loss of control while eating.
  • Consuming food to the point of physical discomfort.
  • Eating when not hungry or using food to cope with emotions.

Impact of Food Addiction:

  • Development of unhealthy eating patterns or an eating disorder.
  • Negative repercussions on physical health and body image.

Managing Food Addiction:

  • Seeking support from a nutritionist or therapist.
  • Developing a healthy relationship with food by avoiding restriction and nourishing the body with healthy foods. 

5. Online Shopping Addiction

With the ease of access to online stores, it’s no surprise that some of us develop a compulsion to shop. Unfortunately, this can lead to significant financial problems and emotional distress.

Signs of Online Shopping Addiction:

  • Shopping to feel better, much like using drugs or alcohol.
  • Spending more money on shopping than we can afford.
  • Attempting to hide the extent of online shopping activities from others.

Impact of Online Shopping Addiction:

  • Accumulating debt and financial strain.
  • Feelings of guilt, shame, or deception about shopping habits.

Managing Online Shopping Addiction:

  • Seeking professional financial counseling to get debts under control.
  • Using cash or a list when shopping to limit impulse buys.

6. Video Game Addiction

When playing video games consumes excessive amounts of time, and we avoid other areas of life, we might have an addiction. 

Signs of Video Game Addiction:

  • Preoccupation with video games to the point of obsessiveness.
  • Irritability or restlessness when not playing.
  • Prioritizing gaming over work, school, hygiene, or social life.

Impact of Video Game Addiction:

  • Decline in academic or work performance.
  • Physical health problems due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Managing Video Game Addiction:

  • Setting strict time limits for playing and taking regular breaks.
  • Engaging in alternative hobbies and social activities to balance leisure time.

7. Online Gambling Addiction

Online gambling can be particularly dangerous due to the constant accessibility of gaming platforms and the heightened state of anticipation between bets.

Signs of Online Gambling Addiction:

  • Spending more time or money than intended on online gambling activities.
  • Attempting to recoup losses with further gambling.
  • Lying to loved ones or professionals about the extent of gambling.

Impact of Online Gambling Addiction:

  • Financial devastation and significant debts.
  • Strained relationships and social isolation.

Managing Online Gambling Addiction:

  • Seeking professional counseling and support groups for gambling addiction.
  • Blocking gambling websites and finding alternative ways to cope with stress.

In addition to these, there are several other behavioral addictions, such as exercise addiction, work addiction, and love addiction, that are worth exploring for a more comprehensive understanding.

Factors Common to All Behavioral Addictions 

Above, we’ve discussed the specifics of seven different behavioral addictions. While these different addictions can each come with unique features, they also have much in common. Remember, all behavioral addictions center on some sort of compulsive behavior.

That being said, these addictions have the following general features in common:

  • Excessive engagement in the behavior
  • Continuing the behavior even when it causes significant consequences, like inability to fulfill duties at work 
  • Spending more time than intended in the behavior
  • Being unable to cut back on the behavior
  • Giving up other hobbies in favor of the behavior
  • Having conflict or problems within relationships because of the behavior 

All of these symptoms show the compulsive nature of behavioral addictions. When we have one of these addictions, we compulsively engage in the behavior, despite the negative impact on our life. 

Impact of Behavioral Addictions

Behavioral addictions can have profoundly negative effects on various aspects of our lives. They’re not only linked to mental health problems but can also interfere with our relationships and productivity. In some cases, these addictions can lead to dire financial or professional consequences.

Mental Health

The constant pursuit of the addictive behavior leads to heightened anxiety and a higher risk of depression. These conditions can in turn worsen our addiction, creating a self-reinforcing cycle.


Addictions can strain relationships, as friends and family find it difficult to cope with the changes in our behavior and attitude. This can lead to social isolation, further exacerbating our addiction.


Neglect of professional or academic responsibilities due to addictive behavior can result in poor performance, warnings, or even job loss. For some of us, this leads to long-term consequences for our careers. 

Recognizing and Managing Behavioral Addictions

Recognizing the signs of a behavioral addiction is the first step toward managing it. It’s important for us to remember that seeking help and support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Signs of Addiction

Be on the lookout for changes in behavior that indicate a loss of control over a particular activity. Consult with professionals for a thorough assessment if you suspect you or someone you know may have an addiction.

A Case Example

Let’s take a look at a real-life example of behavioral addiction. Molly is a college student, and her smartphone use is becoming problematic. She is unfocused in class because she can’t resist the urge to check her phone. Each notification that pops up on her screen makes her nervous, until she’s able to check it. 

Molly spends hours and hours scrolling through her phone each day, and she’s not completing schoolwork on time. Molly’s friends have started to pull away from her, because every time they hang out, she spends the entire time checking her phone. Molly knows her phone use is over-the-top, but she can’t cut back.

Here, we can see that Molly shows signs of a smartphone addiction. She is using her phone excessively, and she can’t stop, despite several negative consequences. She’s not doing her schoolwork, and her friendships are beginning to fall apart. 

Strategies for Prevention and Treatment

In many instances, preventative measures such as setting time limits, using support groups, and engaging in alternative activities, are effective in managing behavioral addictions. Additionally, cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy, or support systems can offer significant help to  those seeking to overcome these compulsions.

Let’s take a look at some common preventive measures:

  • Setting time limits: Give yourself a reasonable time limit for the behavior, such as an hour a day. Set a timer, and when it goes off, you’re done for the day. Parents will likely need to play a role in setting limits for children. 
  • Choosing alternative activities: We have plenty of options outside of addictive behaviors like gaming or smartphone use. Make time for alternative activities, like time spent outdoors or engaged in hobbies. 
  • Practicing self-care: When we care for ourselves through healthy habits like exercise and a nutritious diet, it’s harder for addictions to take hold. 

Some specific treatment modalities and supportive interventions are discussed below in more detail:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT helps us to change unhelpful thoughts so we can then change our behavior. It can be helpful for behavioral addictions. 
  • Group therapy: Group therapy programs link you to others experiencing similar challenges. Addiction groups are an excellent place for learning about healthy coping and building social connections. 
  • Support systems:  We also benefit from support when we’re struggling with an addiction. This can mean joining online support forums or gaining support from community programs. 


This in-depth look at behavioral addictions is a mere starting point in addressing a widespread and complex issue. It is not intended to provide all the answers, but rather to raise awareness of these modern-day problems. 

It’s clear that in the digital age, our behaviors are increasingly shaped and driven by the technologies and platforms with which we engage. By being aware of the potential for addiction within these contexts, we can strive for a healthier balance in our lifestyles. 

Seeking professional help and building healthier habits can pave the way for a more fulfilling and balanced life, free from the grips of behavior addictions. It’s important to remember that recovery from addiction is a process, but a process that brings great rewards in terms of personal growth and well-being.

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