2014 Workshop in Singapore Virtual Addiction: Gaming and Internet Addictions

February, 2014, Singapore


Dr. Greenfield recently gave a 3-Day training to doctors and staff therapists on Virtual Addiction: Internet, Cybersex, and Gaming Addictions at the National Addictions Management Service (NAMS), National Hospital, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore.

Here is an outline of the workshop\’s agenda:

  • Dr. Greenfield’s Professional Background and The History and Development of the Emerging Field of Internet and Digital Media Use, Abuse, and Addiction.
  • What makes Internet, Digital Media, and Gaming Technologies so Addictive? (Part I)
  • What makes Internet, Digital Media, and Gaming Technologies so Addictive? (Part II)
  • When does Internet and Digital Media Use and Abuse become an Addiction?
  • Assessment and Diagnosis of Internet, Digital Media, Gaming, and Smartphone Use
  • Differential diagnosis and psychiatric co-morbidity
  • Signs and symptoms of Internet and Digital Media Addictions: Normal versus Pathological Use
  • Brief review of Psychiatric, Addictionology, and Neurobiological research on Internet, Gaming, and Digital Media Addiction
  • Treatment Issues, Techniques, and Strategies – Part I
  • Treatment Issues, Techniques, and Strategies – Part II
  • Treatment Techniques and Strategies: Educational and Therapeutic issues with Parents and Families
  • Monitoring, Blocking and Filtering Issues: Setting limits, Boundaries, and Consequences

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